Client Testimonials
Understanding the Issues
Tourism Squamish, a local tourism association in a small British Columbia community, wanted to improve their ability to engage with local government on issues such as municipal regulation of short-term rental accommodations. We provided a summary of published research, an in-depth analysis of five years’ of listing and occupancy data from Airbnb, and a review of existing bylaws to support Tourism Squamish’s policy engagement on behalf of their members.
“Tourism Squamish has worked with Politikos Research on several projects since mid 2021. Their diverse professional experience and academic expertise has been integral in guiding our organization in our engagement efforts to support the local tourism industry. Their insights, knowledge and direction has enabled us to provide evidence-based policy recommendations to our local government and stakeholders.”
-Lesley Weeks, Executive Director, Tourism Squamish
Assessing the Risks
The Canada West Swine Health Intelligence Network, a collaboration between industry and provincial and federal governments, needed to better which pig populations were at greatest risk of contracting African Swine Fever if that disease was introduced to Canada despite existing biosecurity measures. We conducted a mixed-methods risk assessment that used computer simulation to explore the probable interactions of transmission vectors and biosecurity measures for pig populations across Western Canada.
“Canada West Swine Health Intelligence Network (CWSHIN) contracted Politikos Research to conduct an African swine fewer risk analysis (2021). Their expertise and knowledge of risk analysis from other fields than animal health in combination with their multidisciplinary team brought new insight to the topic. Their professionalism and collaboration skills made them a pleasure to work with.”
-Dr. Jette Christensen, DVM, PhD, Manager, CWSHIN
Consulting with Citizens
Following an engineering review, the City of St. Albert, Alberta, needed to consult with citizens about several proposed changes to speed limits. Faced with a dynamic and unpredictable public health situation in the fall of 2020, however, City staff were unable to do this in their usual manner. We hosted a virtual town hall, virtual focus groups, and analyzed over 8,000 responses to a multi-channel survey of City residents to provide a comprehensive report on citizens’ opinions about these proposed changes.
"I truly appreciate the Politikos team’s time and patience. . . and the professionalism, experience, recommendations and positive communication that was used to conduct this engagement and that resulted in such a well received final report."
- Dean Schick, Manager of Transport | Engineering Services, City of St. Albert