what the issues are
Social science and
public policy research.
what the risks are
Qualitative and
quantitative risk analysis.
what people want
Public consultation, surveys, and community visioning.
Tailored research. Applied knowledge. Better outcomes.
As a decision-maker, you are drowning in information when what you really need is knowledge. We can help.
Politikos Research is a multidisciplinary research firm with a mission to strengthen democracy by building knowledge.
Bring us your questions and we will give you research you can use.

We help clients understand social, economic and policy issues by designing and conducting social science research to suit their needs.
We help clients navigate uncertainty by performing multidisciplinary qualitative and quantitative risk assessment and analysis.
We help clients understand what internal and external stakeholders want by facilitating consultation, conducting surveys, and supporting community visioning.
The multidisciplinary team at Politikos Research draws on years of experience and expertise to give you the knowledge you need to make the right decisions.